I have worked as an educator for over twenty years, serving pre-K, elementary, and high school. I currently work as high school educator in a special education autism program. In 2009, I was awarded the Governor’s Teacher Award for Excellence and Building School Culture. In addition to being an educator, I started my own educational company, Beyond Average Educational Services, in which I am an independent contractor providing early intervention and applied behavior analysis (ABA) services for children with autism. What’s even more amazing is that from my personal development journey, I was able to enroll in and complete the John C. Maxwell leadership certification program. I became an independent certified coach, teacher, trainer and speaker. My journey has taught me many life lessons. One of the most important lessons is “No matter where you start in the race, you can always win.” I want my life to be an example for anyone who desires more out of life. I am motivated and committed to learn, grow, and add value to others.